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Mid-Life Confidential: The Rock Bottom Remainders Tour America With Three Chords and an Attitude (1994, Viking Press)


This is a compilation of anecdotes by the members (at the time) of The Rock Bottom Remainders about their first “tour” together in their alter-ego roles as a rock and roll band. Also included are 100 photographs taken by Tabitha King. Chapters are written by:
Last year, fifteen of America’s most popular writers left their day jobs for life on the rock ‘n’ roll road. They stayed up late, ate junk food, traveled by bus, and actually tried to play and sing before paying audiences. Here’s the whole sordid story, in hard-to-believe words and even harder-to-believe pictures.

“Rock ‘n’ Roll,” says Stephen King, “continues to renew and refresh those who practice its mysteries.” Hitching their tour bus to that star, he and the other bestselling authors in the Rock Bottom Remainders spent two weeks barnstorming the East Coast–playing clubs where the customers brandished books, and clubs where the listeners brandished clubs–massacring rock ‘n’ roll classics everywhere.

Mid-Life Confidential tells their story, the how and why of one of the strangest journeys in the history of rock ‘n’ roll (not to mention literature). Taking their solos chapter by chapter, each of the Remainders celebrates the passion for rock that united them. And each muses–provocatively, anecdotally, often hilariously, occasionally even seriously–on what it means to enter mid-life in one of the most isolating of the arts and try to get away from it all, in a project that requires fourteen other people to make it work.

You’ll witness Amy Tan get way, way past her previous image–in thigh-high leather boots and a whip–while Roy Blount, Jr., tries to light her cigarette. You’ll learn what the Critics Chorus was up to–way off to the side. With 100 candid (and often excruciatingly embarrassing) photographs by Tabitha King, this all-star cast has created a smash hit. If you’re a fan, or if you’ve ever dreamed of being in a rock band–check it out!

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